the spider, the frog and the butterfly, part 1


Once there was a spider named Ziggy, who lived in his terrarium. He had a lovely home, warm and cozy and all the food he wanted. After a while he started feeling lonely. One morning he woke up feeling thirsty, got out of his coconot shell and went to the pool for a few drops of water. He was surprised to see that in the pool was this strange cute little green creature with sparkling eyes. But as soon as it has seen him it jumped out of the pool and just before it was preparing for it's next jump, Ziggy said: "stop... " The long green arched leggs of the creature relaxed, while his head turned to where he heard the voice, and as he was looking into the spider's black pearled eyes a cold tremble rushed into his body. "Don't be affraid", said Ziggy, "i won't hurt you..." The rest of the creature's body turned inexplicably towards the spider, as if it was hypnotised.

"I'm Ziggy the spider, what's your name?"

"My name is Frogstler Green, but you can call me Froggy"

As they continued talking the little frog wasn't feeling so scared anymore, the spider's fearsome appearance seemed to have faded away. Ziggy's soft and warm voice, gave Froggy a comfortable feeling. He no longer saw Ziggy as an enemy, but as a friend. 

Although he looked calm, Ziggy could sense in Froggy's faltering voice a certain hesitation and asked him:  

"Are you ok?  you seem a bit troubled...

"Aaa... yeah... i'm.... fine..."

While the spider got closer, throwing his huge hairy black legs one in front of each other, the frog took one step back, then another one, untill he realised he was pressing his back against the cold glass of the terrarium.  The spider got so closer he could almost hear the frog's uncontrollable heart beats and said with a deep voice : "Are you sure ?" And then he smiled, showing his huge sharp fangs and took a step back... " You thought i was going to eat you? "

" Oh yess...  ", said the frog with a relieved voice

Ziggy's loud laughter put Froggy's smile back on his face... 

" Actually i'm a vegetarian..." , said Ziggy

" But what about the fangs ? "

" Oooh, those little fellas? they're for aa... tearing up the leaves from branches and ... other stuff like that..."

... to be continued

marți, 30 septembrie 2008

holy skull

Manastirea Neamt,

knock knock

la Manastirea Neamt

luni, 29 septembrie 2008

eye in the sky

"i am the eye in the sky
looking at you
i can read your mind
i am the maker of rules
dealing with fools
i can cheat you blind
and i don't need to see any more
to know that
i can read your mind, i can read your mind"

Noa - Eye In The Sky

Manastirea Neamt

duminică, 28 septembrie 2008

Manastirea Neamt

sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2008

Casa memoriala Ion Creanga

vineri, 26 septembrie 2008

camp fire

joi, 25 septembrie 2008

make hay...

...not war

"The sun is shining
We should be making hay
But we're dead from the waist down
Like in California

Victory is empty
There are lessons in defeat
But we're dead from the waist down
We are sleeping on our feet

We stole the songs from birds in trees
Bought us time on easy street
Now our paths, they never meet
We chose to court and flatter greed, ego disposability
I caught a glimpse, and it's not me

Make hay not war
Make hay not war
Make hay not war
Or else we're done for
And we're dead from the waist down"

Catatonia - Dead from the waist down

miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008

wake up in the morning...

...and smell the roses

umm... it's locked


luni, 22 septembrie 2008

with the Boca sisters :P

shot by Ancu Marish :D , la Sucevita

duminică, 21 septembrie 2008

la Sucevita

mormantul lui... nu mai stiu... scrie pe el, undeva...

sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 2008


intr-un atelier de olarit, in comuna Marginea, Suceava

vineri, 19 septembrie 2008

pottery clones

intr-un atelier de olarit, in comuna Marginea, Suceava

miercuri, 17 septembrie 2008

potter's wheel

intr-un atelier de olarit, in comuna Marginea, Suceava

marți, 16 septembrie 2008


la festivalul medieval de la Cetatea Sucevei, august 2008

luni, 15 septembrie 2008

checking shedule

Lenu & Ancu

duminică, 14 septembrie 2008

she smiles

la festivalul medieval de la Cetatea Sucevei, august 2008

sâmbătă, 13 septembrie 2008

am uitat cum o cheama...

vineri, 12 septembrie 2008


Monica & Raluca

joi, 11 septembrie 2008


going up...

Angels closing the gates of time


miercuri, 10 septembrie 2008


marți, 9 septembrie 2008

Safety first...


Flowers In The Window

"Wow look at you now
Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad you feel the same
Cause to stand up, out in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so
Lets watch the flowers grow."

travis-flowers in the window

duminică, 7 septembrie 2008

my new pet...

... a Lasiodora parahybana spidey



the bride


Little bride


It's a nice day for a white wedding

"Take me back home
There is nothin' fair in this world
There is nothin' safe in this world
And there's nothin' sure in this world
And there's nothin' pure in this world
Look for something left in this world
Start again
Come on

It's a nice day for a white wedding."

Billy Idol


Proiectul Ana

1 - DiAna - sapun
2 - IguAna - geaca mea de ski
3 - Ananas - conserva

vineri, 5 septembrie 2008

Rosu, galben si albastru


"Trei culori cunosc pe lume,
Amintind de-un brav popor,
Ce-i viteaz, cu vechi renume,
În luptă triumfător.

Multe secole luptară
Străbunii noştri eroi,
Să trăim stăpîni în ţară,
Ziditori ai lumii noi.

Roşu, galben şi albastru
Este-al nostru tricolor.
Se înalţă ca un astru
Gloriosul meu popor.

Suntem un popor în lume
Strîns unit şi muncitor,
Liber, cu un nou renume
Şi un ţel cutezător.

Azi partidul ne uneşte
Şi pe plaiul românesc
Socialismul se clădeşte,
Prin elan muncitoresc.

Pentru-a patriei onoare,
Vrăjmaşii-n luptă-i zdrobim.
Cu alte neamuri sub soare,
Demn, în pace, să trăim.

Iar tu, Românie mândră,
Tot mereu să dăinuieşti
Şi în comunista eră
Ca o stea să străluceşti."

Trubadurul in gara din Deva


Give me a guitar and I’ll be a troubadur
Your strolling minstrels will century door to door
I don’t know anymore if that feeling is past
Will it last?
Oh how can you be sure?

And if you want it too, then there’s nothing left to do
Lets start a band
Lets start a band
Lets start a band
Lets start a band"

Amy Macdonald - Let's Start A Band




in club Frontiera, la concertul Terra


facuta de pe podul inspre Gradiste

Hitchcock's Birds gettin' ready to attack

Piata Avram Iancu, Arad

praying angel

"And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll."

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven

welcome to the... candyshop


lights floating over Bahnhofstrasse (Zurich)

searching for Lindt... in Zurich

Christmas lights in Zurich, 2007